Special Education Resources

General Resources


The Virginia Department of Education's (VDOE) Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) at Virginia Commonwealth University offers a variety of services tailored to assist personnel in schools, interagency coordinating councils and state-operated programs in Superintendent's Regions 1 and 8. The VDOE T/TAC is a part of the statewide network of T/TACs across Virginia and a participating member of the online community T/TACOnline . The VDOE T/TAC at VCU is also a part of the Partnership for People with Disabilities, a member of the national University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, and the VCU School of Education.

I'm Determined

The I'm Determined project, a state-directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education, focuses on providing direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior. This project facilitates youth, especially those with disabilities to undertake a measure of control in their lives, helping to set and steer the course rather than remaining the silent passenger.

Disabilities Served

CHPS serves students with the following disabilities:

  • autism spectrum disorders

  • deaf-blind

  • emotional disability

  • hearing impairment

  • specific learning disability

  • intellectual disability

  • multiple disabilities

  • orthopedic impairment

  • other health impairment

  • speech or language impairment

  • traumatic brain injury

  • visual impairment / blindness

  • developmental delay

To view a complete list of disabilities and accompanying resources for specific disabilities, view the left menu on the VDOE Disabilities website.

Procedural Safeguards

"Your Family's Special Education Rights" identifies key parts of the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004” (IDEA), a federal law governing the education of students with disabilities. IDEA 2004 requires that families be informed of their special education rights, including how families and schools can resolve problems.

Our Special Education Advisory Committee

The Colonial Heights Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meets at least four times yearly to gain input from parents about their children's special education experiences, advocate for students with disabilities, and share information and resources that are available in the community. Topics discussed during meetings are based on parent recommendations and interest.

If you'd like to be added to the committee's contacts and mailing lists, please contact the Director of the Office of Support Services via the button here.

Additional Resources